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Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
作者:    瀏覽人數: 2211   2017-06-15   分享

By Sha, Yong-Ling
Illustrated by Hong, Yi-Nan

Sun Moon Lake is a famous inland lake in Taiwan which has lots of stories tied to it. One story shows the relationship between modern Taiwanese people and the aboriginal Taiwanese people. The story is as follows:

Originally the sun and the moon had their own separate purposes. But after a cataclysmic event, they both suddenly disappeared! The world became dark, the crops dwindled and died, and people became listless at work. Two proactive people, named after mountains, went in search of the sun and moon in order to restore peace and harmony to the world.

This story illustrates how this local legend can relate to this famous landmark. The two characters are named for the mountains which "protect" Sun Moon Lake.

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